One Click Upgrade problem


Active member

when trying to do the upgrade, I get the following message:

The following issue was found when determining if a one-click upgrade is possible: The files are owned by a different user than the upgrade is running as.

If I knew under which user the upgrade is run, I could easily do a chown to fix it. But I do not know it - adding the user name to the message would be an improvement (at least from my point of view). Maybe there are cracks out there who know it by heart, but that's not the case with me. :D

no, it doesn't default to "nobody". AndyB was so kind to help me find the right user (in my case, it's www-data - but on AndyB's server it was another user), so adding the user under XF is running to the message could help a lot.

We found out by checking who owns the files in the data/attachments/0 directory.
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