Well-known member
XenScripts WP to XF bridge is installed. Within the WP post is a tag which brings in more WP headlines. When posted, a copy of the WP post is made into the XF forum. This creates a problem because XF cannot interpret the tag. Therefore, I don't want that part to be posted in the forum.
The following is an example:
What is Known
The FAQ explains that using the plain tag around BB Code will stop it from parsing. This is not quite what is needed, so maybe there is a different solution.
This is a portion of the XS script to put the WP post into the forum.
Can this be function above be written to strip out the nlspost tag?
Can a helper string be written to do this? (I've never done this before !). This thread seems like some help on creating the string.
XenScripts WP to XF bridge is installed. Within the WP post is a tag which brings in more WP headlines. When posted, a copy of the WP post is made into the XF forum. This creates a problem because XF cannot interpret the tag. Therefore, I don't want that part to be posted in the forum.
The following is an example:
[nlposts tag="Debt Limit 2013"]
What is Known
The FAQ explains that using the plain tag around BB Code will stop it from parsing. This is not quite what is needed, so maybe there is a different solution.
This is a portion of the XS script to put the WP post into the forum.
$body = '';
if($post_contains == 'full')
$body = '[quote]' . XenForo_Helper_String::autoLinkBbCode(XenForo_Html_Renderer_BbCode::renderFromHtml(nl2br($content))) . "[/quote]";
Can this be function above be written to strip out the nlspost tag?
Can a helper string be written to do this? (I've never done this before !). This thread seems like some help on creating the string.