Nodes As Tabs

Nodes As Tabs 1.5.1

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I can't seem to get my nodes to stay checked in the Nodes as Tabs section.

No matter what node I choose (new or old), when I check Display as Tab and save, when I go back into the node, it's unchecked. And the node is (naturally) not displaying in the navbar.

edit: I guess I should say, I'm using the latest version of both XF and NodesAsTabs.
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I can't seem to get my nodes to stay checked in the Nodes as Tabs section.

No matter what node I choose (new or old), when I check Display as Tab and save, when I go back into the node, it's unchecked. And the node is (naturally) not displaying in the navbar.

edit: I guess I should say, I'm using the latest version of both XF and NodesAsTabs.

This could be a problem with the files (re-upload the library/NodesAsTabs directory) or possibly a conflict with another addon (try disabling other addons to troubleshoot).
This could be a problem with the files (re-upload the library/NodesAsTabs directory) or possibly a conflict with another addon (try disabling other addons to troubleshoot).

Confirmed as a conflict with this addon:

If that addon is enabled, no changes I make in the "NodesAsTabs" section will take. However, if I disable the addon, make my changes, and re-enable it, everything seems fine. I'll log the comment with the addon's author.
Confirmed as a conflict with this addon:

If that addon is enabled, no changes I make in the "NodesAsTabs" section will take. However, if I disable the addon, make my changes, and re-enable it, everything seems fine. I'll log the comment with the addon's author.

It's a paid addon so I can't inspect the code, but I would remind the author to be sure to execute the parent if he is extending the save action for nodes. For example:

Rich (BB code):
	public function actionSave()
		$response = parent::actionSave();

		if ($response->redirectType == XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect::SUCCESS)
			NodesAsTabs_API::actionSave($response, $this);

		return $response;

Failure to execute the parent in your extended function would cause the problem you have described.
That is not supported by the skeleton for extraTabs, but you can do it with javascript:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> page_container_js_body

Add the red code. Change the 1 to the node_id of the tab:

Rich (BB code):
window.onload = function()
    $('.nodetab1 a.navLink').attr('target','_blank');


<xen:hook name="page_container_js_body">
jQuery.extend(true, XenForo,
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// Facebook Javascript SDK
XenForo.Facebook.appId = "{xen:jsescape $xenOptions.facebookAppId}";
XenForo.Facebook.forceInit = {xen:if $facebookSdk, true, false};



Ahm - is this still working? Or is there now - after 2 Years - a simple Setting in the Options to open Link-Tabs in a new Window?
Can this be updated to not break installation for those who have renamed their admin.php page for security?
Can this be updated to not break installation for those who have renamed their admin.php page for security?

Break how? Is there an error message? Renaming that file should have nothing to do with this addon.

If you want to rename that file then be sure to update the one instance of "admin.php" in this file:

Break how? Is there an error message? Renaming that file should have nothing to do with this addon.

If you want to rename that file then be sure to update the one instance of "admin.php" in this file:

Broke as in generating a webserver 404 because it is trying to find /admin.php before it runs the install routine. To fix, I just renamed the install link to what I renamed my admin.php to. BTW, I did update the renaming of my admin.php in Links.php.

$outputLink = 'notadmin.php' . ($append !== '' ? '?' : '') . $append;
        if ($fullLink)
            $outputLink = $fullLinkPrefix . $outputLink;
Broke as in generating a webserver 404 because it is trying to find /admin.php before it runs the install routine. To fix, I just renamed the install link to what I renamed my admin.php to. BTW, I did update the renaming of my admin.php in Links.php.

$outputLink = 'notadmin.php' . ($append !== '' ? '?' : '') . $append;
        if ($fullLink)
            $outputLink = $fullLinkPrefix . $outputLink;

There is another instance in this file:


This is XenForo, not this addon.
HI, cool plugin. I am creating a link forum and setting it as a tab and not showing it in the node list. When I enter the url I am entering an external url eg but the actual url being used is

Am I missing something or doing this wrong?
HI, cool plugin. I am creating a link forum and setting it as a tab and not showing it in the node list. When I enter the url I am entering an external url eg but the actual url being used is

Am I missing something or doing this wrong?

That is how link-forums work. They are redirects. There is no option in XenForo to link directly to the target.
So, I have a really long node called: "Clippings, Readings & Thought Leaders" (let's call it CRTL for short). This node is a child to a Category (which is a child of root). The Category is setup as a tab, with the CRTL node as secondary, and therefore displayed on the 2nd level navbar. Is there a way I can modify the tab name for CRTL in order to shorten it, as it takes up a lot of space on the 2nd level navbar.
So, I have a really long node called: "Clippings, Readings & Thought Leaders" (let's call it CRTL for short). This node is a child to a Category (which is a child of root). The Category is setup as a tab, with the CRTL node as secondary, and therefore displayed on the 2nd level navbar. Is there a way I can modify the tab name for CRTL in order to shorten it, as it takes up a lot of space on the 2nd level navbar.

You can specify a Links Template for the node tab. That will allow you to manually create the link to that forum using HTML.
hey jake, is it possible hide content within a tab from the rest of the staff and members from being able to see the content beside admins, so that its not visible to the other lower ranking staff and reg members until its all finished?
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