XF 1.4 Node Tree problem (Categories/Forums are static)


Well-known member
Usual is this:
Xenforo Community Forums (main page categories)->Xenforo Questions and Support->Threads

I need this kind of hierarchy:
Forum main page (categories)->categories_xyz->forums->Threads
Forum main page (categories)->forums_xyz->forums->Threads
Xenforo Community Forums (main page)->Xenforo Questions and Support->ABCCDEFG->Threads

So you have a forum in a forum or a forum in a category. The tree has one more branch.
But the problem is, this node is static. When you create somewhere a thread, these nodes dont sort themselves. They stay fixed. When you create threads, it is sorted by date. So when someone posts a message, the thread moves to the head. But yet the parent node stays fixed.

The problem is, that I will have 200 parents. Nobody will go in a category where you have 200 more categories. You must now go into every 200 categories to find the newest messages. It is static, not sorting themselve.
I thought the problem is solved, when I have forum in a forum, but still it stays static.

What can I do?
Did you understand my problem?

Is there a possibility to create somewhere x child nodes but let their threads be shown in just one forum? Like all the threads in those x childs together in one forum?
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