Well-known member
I'm trying to replace older code that does not use $fetchOptions and $conditions.
Here is the old code.
Here is the New code
Unfortunately the WHERE for parent_node_id isn't being honored. I looked in the model and don't see a way to set a condition to only return forums from a certain category (parent_node_id).
Does anyone know the correct condition or fetchOption to get the forums for a particular category?
Here is the old code.
/** @var $node_qry XenWordXFForums */
$node_qry = "
SELECT node_id, title, display_in_list, node_type_id, parent_node_id FROM `xf_node`
WHERE display_in_list = 1 AND node_type_id = 'Forum' AND parent_node_id = '$cat_id'
ORDER BY `title` ASC
LIMIT $number_of_forums
$nodes = XenForo_Application::get( 'db' )->fetchAll( $node_qry );
Here is the New code
// Temporarily Assign as working through code
$instance['show_categories'] = 1;
$instance['show_number_of_forums']= 3;
// End Temporary Settings
$cat_id = $instance['show_categories']; // parent_node_id
$number_of_forums = $instance['show_number_of_forums']; // limit
$conditions = array(
'display_in_list' => 1,
'parent_node_id' => $cat_id
$fetchOptions = array(
'join' => XenForo_Model_Thread::FETCH_USER
| XenForo_Model_Thread::FETCH_FORUM
| XenForo_Model_Thread::FETCH_FIRSTPOST,
'limit' => $number_of_forums,
'order' => 'display_oder',
'orderDirection' => 'desc'
/** @var $forumModel XenForo_Model_Forum */
$forumModel = XenForo_Model_Forum::create('XenForo_Model_Forum');
$nodes = $forumModel->getForums( $conditions, $fetchOptions );
$visitor = XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();
foreach ( $nodes AS $node ) {
$visitor->setNodePermissions( $node['node_id'], isset( $node['node_permission_cache'] ) );
if ( $forumModel->canViewForum( $node ) ) {
"<div class='entry-meta'><a href='"
. XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink( 'canonical:forums', $node )
. "'>"
. XenForo_Helper_String::wholeWordTrim( $node['title'], 40 )
. "</a><br />"
Unfortunately the WHERE for parent_node_id isn't being honored. I looked in the model and don't see a way to set a condition to only return forums from a certain category (parent_node_id).
Does anyone know the correct condition or fetchOption to get the forums for a particular category?