[Nobita] MineCraft Avatar

[Nobita] MineCraft Avatar [Paid] 1.4.1

No permission to buy ($15.00)
Hmm... So I just bought and installed it, but I can't get the old users to change they're avatar to the heads...

Rebuilding user cache doesn't work.
Hi. I just bought this addon and I'm quite disappointed with what I found. I don't think your description is descriptive enough and it mislead me.

What I wanted was a custom user field in the registration process that asks for the user's Minecraft name and then automatically assigns the avatar to them upon successful sign up.

I did not expect that it bases the Minecraft avatar from the Forum username. I do not want to limit my user's forum name to their Minecraft usernames.

Is there a way to fix or alter this? Or perhaps could I ask for a refund?

Hi. I just bought this addon and I'm quite disappointed with what I found. I don't think your description is descriptive enough and it mislead me.

What I wanted was a custom user field in the registration process that asks for the user's Minecraft name and then automatically assigns the avatar to them upon successful sign up.

I did not expect that it bases the Minecraft avatar from the Forum username. I do not want to limit my user's forum name to their Minecraft usernames.

Is there a way to fix or alter this? Or perhaps could I ask for a refund?

I never said that my addon have custom field allow user fill their minecraft username. This only for Avatar.

Also its your missing. If you have some confuses why not ask me before purchasing.

I only refund money when my addon have bug or can't work :)
Hi. I just bought this addon and I'm quite disappointed with what I found. I don't think your description is descriptive enough and it mislead me.

What I wanted was a custom user field in the registration process that asks for the user's Minecraft name and then automatically assigns the avatar to them upon successful sign up.

I did not expect that it bases the Minecraft avatar from the Forum username. I do not want to limit my user's forum name to their Minecraft usernames.

Is there a way to fix or alter this? Or perhaps could I ask for a refund?

In all due respect, I do think the author made it pretty clear what this add-on's purpose was. I believe you might be looking for this add-on.
No, I don't think he made it pretty clear. Let me quote:
Description: This Addon allow user can choose your avatar on Minecraft Avatar

  • Auto get lastest Avatar on Minecraft Sever
  • Auto Detected with new user registering and force Minecraft Avatar

Where does it state that it forces the user to use a valid Minecraft name as part of their forum name?

The grammar is terrible and the plugin doesn't even work. After selecting it to use your Minecraft avatar, it changes back to the default Xenforo avatar when you change pages.
Last edited:
No, I don't think he made it pretty clear. Let me quote:

Where does it state that it forces the user to use a valid Minecraft name as part of their forum name?

The grammar is terrible and the plugin doesn't even work. After selecting it to use your Minecraft avatar, it changes back to the default Xenforo avatar when you change pages.
It doesn't state that the add-on forces users to register with their Minecraft username. When I was originally purchasing this add-on, that thought never really crossed my mind because of that fact. The add-on detects usernames, not force usernames on registration. I really think it may have needed more research on your part before purchasing if you thought that was one of the included features.

In terms of not functioning, I'm not having that issue on my installation. What version of XenForo are you using? What version of PHP are you running? You may have an incompatibility on your system.

I can agree with the grammar, but the author is Vietnamese, if I recall correctly. If it's that significant, I will rewrite it for the author.
CC: @Nobita.Kun


MineCraft Avatar Retriever

This add-on will automatically download a user's Minecraft avatar head from Mojang's skin servers and use it as their profile picture on the forums. This add-on works with pre-existing users as well as users who are registering on your forum. The Minecraft avatars are fetched based on the forum username of the user.

  • Automatically retrieve Minecraft avatar for old users without profile pictures (based on username)
  • Force newly-registering members to use their Minecraft avatar as their profile picture

  1. Upload all data files to your root XenForo directory.
  2. Import and install the XML file into your add-on manager.

See my live demo on my own site: http://nobita.me
No, I don't think he made it pretty clear. Let me quote:

Where does it state that it forces the user to use a valid Minecraft name as part of their forum name?

The grammar is terrible and the plugin doesn't even work. After selecting it to use your Minecraft avatar, it changes back to the default Xenforo avatar when you change pages.
Yep! My english not good :)
No, I don't think he made it pretty clear. Let me quote:

Where does it state that it forces the user to use a valid Minecraft name as part of their forum name?

The grammar is terrible and the plugin doesn't even work. After selecting it to use your Minecraft avatar, it changes back to the default Xenforo avatar when you change pages.
Refund your money :) Keep your back!
I am having an issue when I try to set the avatar. It also will not let me rebuild caches with the addon added.

Server Error Log:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined function curl_init() -library/Nobita/MinecraftAvatar/Api.php:19

#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

Request State:
array(3) {
["url"] => string(43) "http://example.com/account/avatar-upload"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(9) {
["use_gravatar"] => string(2) "15"
["minecraft"] => string(7) "ExpoPs3"
["avatar_date"] => string(1) "0"
["avatar_crop_x"] => string(1) "0"
["avatar_crop_y"] => string(1) "0"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["_xfRequestUri"] => string(19) "/members/expops3.1/"
["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
I am having an issue when I try to set the avatar. It also will not let me rebuild caches with the addon added.

Server Error Log:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined function curl_init() -library/Nobita/MinecraftAvatar/Api.php:19

#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

Request State:
array(3) {
["url"] => string(43) "http://example.com/account/avatar-upload"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(9) {
["use_gravatar"] => string(2) "15"
["minecraft"] => string(7) "ExpoPs3"
["avatar_date"] => string(1) "0"
["avatar_crop_x"] => string(1) "0"
["avatar_crop_y"] => string(1) "0"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["_xfRequestUri"] => string(19) "/members/expops3.1/"
["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
Looks like your site's URL is incorrect. In the "Basic Board Information" in your options, what is your Board URL?
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