XF 1.4 No avatar overlay


Well-known member
Tested on 1.4.1

Here at XenForo.com when I go to community/account/avatar I get the avatar overlay.
On my forum when I go to the same path I do not get the overlay but I'm presented with a standard page where I can change my avatar.

IIRC I was getting the avatar overlay on 1.4.0
Even if Mike identifies a bug himself, he files a bug report to prevent duplicate reports happening.

But, besides, why do you always automatically assume the software is at fault rather than a misconfiguration or misunderstanding on your part?

You should try pretty much everything on a default style, with no add-ons enabled first, and certainly if you can't reproduce the bug here, you should post in the correct troubleshooting forum first.

(I recommend doing that now, in the first instance, as this will likely get moved as Not A Bug).
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