XF 1.1 Newly Registered Users : Expiration?

I'd like to be able to force newly registered accounts to expire after a set interval. Is there a way to do this? I've looked through the options in the ACP and have not seen anything that will do this. I'd like to enable expiration for accounts that are inactive for a specific user group.
I'd like to be able to force newly registered accounts to expire after a set interval. Is there a way to do this? I've looked through the options in the ACP and have not seen anything that will do this. I'd like to enable expiration for accounts that are inactive for a specific user group.

There is no such option built in xenforo. You will need a custom mod for that.
If you don't want a custom add-on this can be manually accomplished rather easily by following these steps:
  1. Create a new user group for "Expired"
  2. Create a new user group for "Exempt" (unless everyone will be in one of your staff groups)
  3. Revoke all permissions for members of the group
  4. Set up a user group promotion, using the following criteria
    1. User has been registered for at least X days
    2. User is NOT a member of any of these groups (select Exempt + staff groups)
  5. Every day or two, you can use the Batch User Update to mass delete these users in the "Expired" group
Basically we have a user group "Member", Moderators, Admins. I basically want to have the Registered users's group cleaned out if a user has not been promoted (manually) to member or if the account is inactive. This is to combat a small amount of bot registrations as well as people not meeting approval. Your solution may work, I was just hoping for one that would keep the database a little cleaner lol.
Since you already have groups, you can use a batch user update while only defining end dates for recent activity and registration dates and have them NOT be a member of Members, Moderators, or Admins. That will check Registered & Members for those who haven't been promoted and have registered for X days. Do a second one for last activity and exclude Moderators and Admins and you should be able to accomplish the end desire you'd like.
Since you already have groups, you can use a batch user update while only defining end dates for recent activity and registration dates and have them NOT be a member of Members, Moderators, or Admins. That will check Registered & Members for those who haven't been promoted and have registered for X days. Do a second one for last activity and exclude Moderators and Admins and you should be able to accomplish the end desire you'd like.

Where is the batch user update in ACP?
I just realized you are on 1.1. That's a 1.2 feature. I'm sorry, but on 1.1 you'll definitely need an add-on. Both my suggestions only work on 1.2.
I just realized you are on 1.1. That's a 1.2 feature. I'm sorry, but on 1.1 you'll definitely need an add-on. Both my suggestions only work on 1.2.

I'll look into updating to 1.2 since XenPorta's been updated and 1.2 has better registration options built in. The only downside is Flexile hasn't been updated for 1.2 :(
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