XF 1.5 New Usergroup Permissions


Well-known member

I'm trying to add a new usergoup "Customers". As I seen there is no any option to copy permissions from another usergroup (eg Registered).

What I want to ask is, if I let all permissions to "Not Set", members belonging to this usergroup will have the higher permissions of Registered usergroup?

Also I want to give permission to this usergroup to access a restricted to registered users forum. Should it works if I add it to forum permissions?

Thank you
This relates to the staged permissions functions of Xenforo. The answer is

I let all permissions to "Not Set", members belonging to this usergroup will have the higher permissions of Registered usergroup?
Yes, as long as the "Customers" usergroup is of a higher styling priority w/r to that of "Registered". i.e. if Registered = 100 and Customers = 101 (or higher), then members of both groups would have Registered permissions, and any additional "Allow" permissions in Customers would take precedence over the same "Registered" permissions

Also I want to give permission to this usergroup to access a restricted to registered users forum. Should it works if I add it to forum permissions?
Yes, you would just change the forum permission for that user group. For instance, if you wanted one node to only be viewable to those in the Customers group, you would set that to "Allow" for Customers, then for the Registered and Unconfirmed/Guest groups, you would set that permission to "Revoke"
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