XF 1.4 New User Registrations - Disable username check?



For new user registrations the spam check looks at IP addresses, email addresses and checks for username matches.

The IP check and email check are useful. The majority of the time the username check blocks legitimate registrations.

Can the username check be disabled while leaving the other spam checks enabled?

Thanks in advance.
The inability to disable the username check is a huge oversight. I have countless legitimate users who sign up with usernames:


And they are all flagged as spam and denied registration until I get around to reviewing it, for really ... no reason. There is nothing identifying about a username, and it shouldn't be one of the things checked. At the very least it should be a disable-able option.
I am consistently getting registrations, ever since I installed Xenforo over three months ago, with the username email match spam rule blocking legitimate registrations and requiring manual approval. This also causes a number of problems for me as a result and I am searching for a way to just disable this rule. I have a integration add-on linking up wordpress comments , users and articles with Xenforo, so if a user is not approved, and they comment, their comments will not appear on the thread created from the article on wordpress which makes it invisible (will only appear on the wordpress site under the article — I know this is an add-on issue, and bug). So this is not just a pain for me to have to manually approve, but it has other repercussions.
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