
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char answer;
    int op = 0;
        cout <<"E != MC^2? yes or no?\n";
        cin >> answer;

        if (answer = 'yes');
           cout <<"Is it?\n";
           op = 1;

        if (answer = 'no');
           cout <<"You're right!\n";
           Sleep (5000);
           cout <<"Or you're not...\n";
           op = 1;
    while (op = 0);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
I had an idea...the problem is that it sucked...the good thing is since it meant nothing it's absolute value was nothing and therefor you can nevermind....
Suggest banning GofD for repeatedly requesting that others be banned. It's becoming a pattern, and thus inappropriate for this thr...

Umm. Beep?:confused:
You all are entertaining me...that means the thread has a meaning for all of us and thus a topic and now we are all banned
/mode #XenForo +b *!*@*!*
I think anyone asking for a ban should be banned, on the principle of banning being a productive exercise with a quantifiable outcome, and therefore not in the "nevermind" bracket of throw-away commentary.

On the other hand it could be argued that I should be banned for suggesting such productivity.

Or ... oh, nevermind. :D
Too many candidates here. I feel this is devolving into a political discussion, which as usual, has no real substance. Carry on!
After days of deep inner debate, I'm afraid I cannot start the thread after all. If I do, then all the replies that might have come about would be off topic, and the moderators (well, Brogan anyway - the monster) would split posts off, maybe delete some, and probably even ban somebody! :eek: I just can't do that to my fellow Xenites. Sorry, but the thread can't be done.

But I didn't reply to tell you that, I replied to tell you something else.
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