Negative Page Criteria for notices


Well-known member
it would be very useful to not show notices if certain criteria are met. For example:
- don't show notice on registration page. (don't show notice if template_X is active)

This would allow us to hide notices that are not useful for specific pages.
Its important because if you have multiple notices rotating, this will make it less likely that members read the notice that is relevant to the page.
Upvote 10
The number of notices we have are really racking up. Having too many notices means that people do not read them anymore which defeats the purpose.
It would help a lot to have negative criteria. i.e.
  • Page is not Within Nodes x,y,z
  • Selected Navigation Tab is not
  • Controller and Action is not
  • Content Template is not
  • etc
This would allow us to display only relevant notices and hide other notices. It gives much more control.
I've run into quite a few instances where I would like one notice to show when a specific navigation tab(s) is highlighted and another notice to show for all other tabs. This is currently not possible.

I would like to see option for "Selected navigation tab is not:", and the ability to have multiple entries for both "Selected navigation tab is" and "Selected Navigation tab is not:"
I had to add Page is not Within Nodes and Content Template is not in Ads Manager because the default was too limited. I have added support for multiple content templates, separated by comma for both "Content Template is and NOT" which I would like to see by default in notices.
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