I am looking for a very accomplished Xenforo expert to help me with the migration of a large forum (millions of posts and hundreds of thousands of users) from VB to Xenforo. The number of VB modifications is minimal and these modifications are already available on Xenforo, however some expertise is going to be needed to import the data that correlates with these modifications. They include modifications based around:
- Wordpress Bridge
- Custom Thread fields
- Custom Profile fields
- Paid Subscriptions
I'm willing to pay well, but I really need someone that knows their stuff - backwards and forwards. Please respond with references and examples of your work.
Thanks so much,
- Wordpress Bridge
- Custom Thread fields
- Custom Profile fields
- Paid Subscriptions
I'm willing to pay well, but I really need someone that knows their stuff - backwards and forwards. Please respond with references and examples of your work.
Thanks so much,