Well-known member
I try to add a system of permissions for an addon as for the nodes but I do not see what to do in the following function:
PS : I have no child element
This is what I have done for the moment:
The other two functions I do not know too much
I try to add a system of permissions for an addon as for the nodes but I do not see what to do in the following function:
PS : I have no child element
abstract public function rebuildCombination(\XF\Entity\PermissionCombination $combination, array $basePerms);
abstract public function getAnalysisContentPairs();
abstract public function analyzeCombination(
\XF\Entity\PermissionCombination $combination, $contentId, array $basePerms, array $baseIntermediates
This is what I have done for the moment:
public function analyzeCombination(
\XF\Entity\PermissionCombination $combination, $contentId, array $basePerms, array $baseIntermediates
$groupIds = $combination->user_group_list;
$userId = $combination->user_id;
$intermediates = $baseIntermediates;
$permissions = $basePerms;
$finalPerms = [];
$dependChanges = [];
$permissions = $this->adjustBasePermissionAllows($permissions);
$sets = $this->getApplicablePermissionSets($contentId, $groupIds, $userId);
$permissions = $this->builder->calculatePermissions($sets, $this->permissionsGrouped, $permissions);
$calculated = $this->builder->applyPermissionDependencies(
$permissions, $this->permissionsGrouped, $dependChanges
$finalPerms = $this->builder->finalizePermissionValues($calculated);
$thisIntermediates = $this->builder->collectIntermediates(
$combination, $permissions, $sets, $contentId, $this->getContentTitle($contentId)
$intermediates = $this->builder->pushIntermediates($intermediates, $thisIntermediates);
return $this->builder->getFinalAnalysis($finalPerms, $intermediates, $dependChanges);
The other two functions I do not know too much