XF 1.4 Need help to delete wrong links


Active member
I have thousends of wrong links in my forum like that.

[URL='http://www.fotos-hochladen.net'][B][Bild nicht mehr vorhanden][/B]:[/URL][URL]http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/p40800496d1isn5awb.jpg[/URL]


[URL='http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/683/ovschneehundeplatz061.jpg/'][B][Bild nicht mehr vorhanden][/B]:[/URL][URL]http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/4999/ovschneehundeplatz061.jpg[/URL]

How can I delete it? Can someone help me?
These aren't dead links. They both resolve to web pages. The first actually displays a video (so there is content there). The second shows an image saying that the (original) has been moved or deleted.

Although these may not display what was originally intended, they aren't actually broken and so won't affect SEO.

All external links by default are set to rel="nofollow" so there should be no impact on SEO.

Going forward, if you enable the Image Proxy (and set it to store indefinitely) then this will ensure a copy of the images are stored on your server in case the original image breaks in future.
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