XF 2.1 SQL help to delete warning points prior to a specified date


in memoriam 1947-2022
On a vBulletin to XF conversion (where some of the vB tables may have been corrupted), a residual issue is that there are old unexpired vBulletin warning points left over. As a result, if some members get a 1-point warning via XF, it puts them over the threshold and temporarily bans them.

I need an SQL query to remove warning points prior to December 31, 2018.

Can anyone help with the query?

I have been doing this manually, for example:

SELECT * FROM `xf_user` WHERE `username` = "{membername}";
UPDATE `xf_user` SET `warning_points` = '3' WHERE `xf_user`.`user_id` = {12345};

but obviously this is time-consuming and cumbersome. I'd like a query to find ALL warning points prior to December 31, 2018 and delete those points.
This will reset all user's warning points to be derived from the XF warning system, counting non-expired warnings. Note; if there are warnings past their expiry time but not explicitly expired they will be included so XF's warning expiry system works properly.

update xf_user
set warning_points = COALESCE(
   (select sum(xf_warning.points) from xf_warning where xf_warning.user_id = xf_user.user_id and is_expired = 0)
, 0);
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