Need help sending Xenforo emails via AWS.

Seems I have a very high bounce rate even though I am sending to my own subscribers. At one point we had an influx of spammers. How do I remove accounts with fake emails?
Seems I have a very high bounce rate even though I am sending to my own subscribers. At one point we had an influx of spammers. How do I remove accounts with fake emails?
Are you using a bounce handler to prevent the invalid emails from going out again?

I'm also in the midst of switching to Amazon SES for our emails. Previously I was using the local mail exchange on our VPS server to send the email and to receive & process the bounced emails. With SES I'll be using Amazon for the outbound emails but continue to use the local server for receiving inbound email so that the 'bounce' settings already in place continue on.
In addition to configuring the bounce handler like the above post says, this add-on: can help "clean" your mailing list by using the local mail exchange on your server to "test" whether mail can be delivered to your users.

It does this by opening a connection exactly as if it was sending new mail, but closes the connection before any mail is actually sent.

Two caveats; your server/firewall must allow outgoing SMTP connections on port 25, and doing this verification can harm your server's reputation as this is also a technique spammers use to test for working email addresses. If you use Amazon to send your email the reputation of your local mail server won't be an issue, though.
Are you using a bounce handler to prevent the invalid emails from going out again?

I'm also in the midst of switching to Amazon SES for our emails. Previously I was using the local mail exchange on our VPS server to send the email and to receive & process the bounced emails. With SES I'll be using Amazon for the outbound emails but continue to use the local server for receiving inbound email so that the 'bounce' settings already in place continue on.
So I sent a bulk email without knowing anything of this and I think SES has me under review for like a 25% bounce-rate. Hopefully, this is something I can do something about.

I need to make sure all the bad emails are cleared out before I send again and/or re-apply to Amazon SES as I have been frozen for now. Can I use this addon or another method to clear out the bad emails before I get going again?
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If you use Amazon to send your email the reputation of your local mail server won't be an issue, though.
Then your local mail server (if present) will have no reputation and will therefore likely be rejected by various mail services, including Microsoft and Yahoo.
I need to make sure all the bad emails are cleared out before I send again and/or re-apply to Amazon SES as I have been frozen for now. Can I use this addon or another method to clear out the bad emails before I get going again?
You need to verify all email addresses. I'm not sure if this can be done from your local mail server like @DragonByte Tech says, but the method is correct.

There also is a paid service that can be used. You can ask if their XenForo integration is available. They told me that they would create this but so far I have not seen it.

@batpool52! was so kind to Start on an integration but never finished it.
Then your local mail server (if present) will have no reputation and will therefore likely be rejected by various mail services, including Microsoft and Yahoo.
Well, I've used the email verification system in DB Mail on two forums (one of which has over a million posts) and the server has not had its reputation harmed in any way, nor does it appear on any RBL's to my knowledge 🤷‍♂️

I always make sure to warn people it could happen because I don't want complaints saying I didn't warn them.

Also, if you're using SES to send email, why does the reputation of your local mail server matter? 🤔
Also, if you're using SES to send email, why does the reputation of your local mail server matter? 🤔
Because it seems to me that a correct response from the email service is required. If a service denies all requests, or worse like Yahoo will return bounced states for all emails because it doesn't like the sender. (the return message will have 'aborted' in the text when greylisting happens)
Because it seems to me that a correct response from the email service is required. If a service denies all requests, or worse like Yahoo will return bounced states for all emails because it doesn't like the sender. (the return message will have 'aborted' in the text when greylisting happens)
That is an incorrect assumption. It detects whether the response is a blacklist or greylist. If someone ran into an issue where one such blacklist or greylist was not detected properly, that would be fixed :)
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