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  • I defend him and paid him more then 2000$ he didn't finish our deal (i'm waiting already 5 months) and now he is not responding for weeks (SCAMER)
    Hello, can you apply for a PHPBB to XenForo migration job?
    he can do anything bro :( in very good prices.
    but problem is, he don't care anymore about his customers, he is not hungry for any money..

    but he is very very perfect coder I ever see in my life, anything he will code for us very quickly..

    I hope some day he will willing to give him some money as a gift.
    Trying to register on your site and keep getting errors XF\Db\Exception: MySQL statement prepare error [1054]: Unknown column 'awestore_receive_update_email' in 'field list' in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 228
    Hello are you around?
    I know life catches up things that happen, but we missed deadline on the project (2-3 months wait) and our client moved on. If there's a working product, we don't have it, but he can sell it on the marketplace now. I'm sure there's people who will want it, we just don't have the client who wants it anymore due to the long wait.
    Just wanted to let you all know that @AwesomeForo came through on his end with what we decided. I hope the best for him and that he comes back to the community when he's ready and does a great job.
    Long time.........

    I am back......
    Trying to register on your site and keep getting errors XF\Db\Exception: MySQL statement prepare error [1054]: Unknown column 'awestore_receive_update_email' in 'field list' in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 228
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