XF 1.3 Mysqli issues


I am getting this error on the ...index.php?upgrade/ page:

Server Error
Mysqli prepare error: Table 'website.xf_data_registry' doesn't exist

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 825
  5. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->fetchOne() in XenForo/Model/DataRegistry.php at line 64
  6. XenForo_Model_DataRegistry->_getFromDb() in XenForo/Model/DataRegistry.php at line 34
  7. XenForo_Model_DataRegistry->get() in XenForo/Application.php at line 730
  8. XenForo_Application->loadOptions()
  9. call_user_func_array() in XenForo/Application.php at line 922
  10. XenForo_Application->lazyLoad() in XenForo/Application.php at line 953
  11. XenForo_Application::get() in XenForo/Model/User.php at line 938
  12. XenForo_Model_User->getVisitingGuestUser() in XenForo/Visitor.php at line 419
  13. XenForo_Visitor::setup() in XenForo/Install/Controller/Upgrade.php at line 50
  14. XenForo_Install_Controller_Upgrade->_setupSession() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 304
  15. XenForo_Controller->preDispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 346
  16. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  17. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/html/install/index.php at line 18

with this message on the regular index:
"An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later."

I'm not sure how these issues were caused.
Last edited:
I should add that the table is there.

| Tables_in_website |
| EWRporta_blocks |
| EWRporta_caches |
| EWRporta_categories |
| EWRporta_catlinks |
| EWRporta_layouts |
| EWRporta_options |
| EWRporta_promotes |
| dark_taigachat |
| forum_acl_groups |
| forum_acl_options |
| forum_acl_roles |
| forum_acl_roles_data |
| forum_acl_users |
| forum_attachments |
| forum_banlist |
| forum_bbcodes |
| forum_bookmarks |
| forum_bots |
| forum_captcha_answers |
| forum_captcha_questions |
| forum_config |
| forum_confirm |
| forum_disallow |
| forum_drafts |
| forum_extension_groups |
| forum_extensions |
| forum_forums |
| forum_forums_access |
| forum_forums_track |
| forum_forums_watch |
| forum_groups |
| forum_icons |
| forum_lang |
| forum_log |
| forum_login_attempts |
| forum_moderator_cache |
| forum_modules |
| forum_poll_options |
| forum_poll_votes |
| forum_posts |
| forum_privmsgs |
| forum_privmsgs_folder |
| forum_privmsgs_rules |
| forum_privmsgs_to |
| forum_profile_fields |
| forum_profile_fields_data |
| forum_profile_fields_lang |
| forum_profile_lang |
| forum_qa_confirm |
| forum_ranks |
| forum_reports |
| forum_reports_reasons |
| forum_search_results |
| forum_search_wordlist |
| forum_search_wordmatch |
| forum_sessions |
| forum_sessions_keys |
| forum_sitelist |
| forum_smilies |
| forum_styles |
| forum_styles_imageset |
| forum_styles_imageset_data |
| forum_styles_template |
| forum_styles_template_data |
| forum_styles_theme |
| forum_topics |
| forum_topics_posted |
| forum_topics_track |
| forum_topics_watch |
| forum_user_group |
| forum_users |
| forum_warnings |
| forum_words |
| forum_zebra |
| nat_options |
| xf_addon |
| xf_admin |
| xf_admin_log |
| xf_admin_navigation |
| xf_admin_permission |
| xf_admin_permission_entry |
| xf_admin_search_type |
| xf_admin_template |
| xf_admin_template_compiled |
| xf_admin_template_include |
| xf_admin_template_modification |
| xf_admin_template_modification_log |
| xf_admin_template_phrase |
| xf_attachment |
| xf_attachment_data |
| xf_attachment_view |
| xf_ban_email |
| xf_bb_code |
| xf_bb_code_media_site |
| xf_bb_code_parse_cache |
| xf_captcha_log |
| xf_captcha_question |
| xf_code_event |
| xf_code_event_listener |
| xf_content_spam_cache |
| xf_content_type |
| xf_content_type_field |
| xf_conversation_master |
| xf_conversation_message |
| xf_conversation_recipient |
| xf_conversation_user |
| xf_cron_entry |
| xf_data_registry |
| xf_deferred |
| xf_deletion_log |
| xf_draft |
| xf_edit_history |
| xf_email_template |
| xf_email_template_compiled |
| xf_email_template_modification |
| xf_email_template_modification_log |
| xf_email_template_phrase |
| xf_error_log |
| xf_feed |
| xf_feed_log |
| xf_flood_check |
| xf_forum |
| xf_forum_prefix |
| xf_forum_read |
| xf_forum_watch |
| xf_image_proxy |
| xf_import_log |
| xf_ip |
| xf_ip_match |
| xf_language |
| xf_liked_content |
| xf_link_forum |
| xf_link_proxy |
| xf_login_attempt |
| xf_mail_queue |
| xf_moderation_queue |
| xf_moderator |
| xf_moderator_content |
| xf_moderator_log |
| xf_news_feed |
| xf_node |
| xf_node_type |
| xf_notice |
| xf_notice_dismissed |
| xf_option |
| xf_option_group |
| xf_option_group_relation |
| xf_page |
| xf_permission |
| xf_permission_cache_content |
| xf_permission_combination |
| xf_permission_combination_user_group |
| xf_permission_entry |
| xf_permission_entry_content |
| xf_permission_group |
| xf_permission_interface_group |
| xf_phrase |
| xf_phrase_compiled |
| xf_phrase_map |
| xf_poll |
| xf_poll_response |
| xf_poll_vote |
| xf_post |
| xf_profile_post |
| xf_profile_post_comment |
| xf_registration_spam_cache |
| xf_report |
| xf_report_comment |
| xf_route_filter |
| xf_route_prefix |
| xf_search |
| xf_search_index |
| xf_session |
| xf_session_activity |
| xf_session_admin |
| xf_smilie |
| xf_smilie_category |
| xf_spam_cleaner_log |
| xf_spam_trigger_log |
| xf_stats_daily |
| xf_style |
| xf_style_property |
| xf_style_property_definition |
| xf_style_property_group |
| xf_template |
| xf_template_compiled |
| xf_template_history |
| xf_template_include |
| xf_template_map |
| xf_template_modification |
| xf_template_modification_log |
| xf_template_phrase |
| xf_thread |
| xf_thread_prefix |
| xf_thread_prefix_group |
| xf_thread_read |
| xf_thread_redirect |
| xf_thread_user_post |
| xf_thread_view |
| xf_thread_watch |
| xf_trophy |
| xf_trophy_user_title |
| xf_upgrade_log |
| xf_user |
| xf_user_alert |
| xf_user_alert_optout |
| xf_user_authenticate |
| xf_user_ban |
| xf_user_change_log |
| xf_user_change_temp |
| xf_user_confirmation |
| xf_user_external_auth |
| xf_user_field |
| xf_user_field_value |
| xf_user_follow |
| xf_user_group |
| xf_user_group_change |
| xf_user_group_promotion |
| xf_user_group_promotion_log |
| xf_user_group_relation |
| xf_user_ignored |
| xf_user_news_feed_cache |
| xf_user_option |
| xf_user_privacy |
| xf_user_profile |
| xf_user_status |
| xf_user_trophy |
| xf_user_upgrade |
| xf_user_upgrade_active |
| xf_user_upgrade_expired |
| xf_user_upgrade_log |
| xf_warning |
| xf_warning_action |
| xf_warning_action_trigger |
| xf_warning_definition |
235 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I've tried to create a fresh install using a different database and mysql user.
On the ...install/index.php?install/step/2 page, I get these errors:

Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : Got error -1 from storage engine

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 317
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in XenForo/Install/Model/Install.php at line 272
  4. XenForo_Install_Model_Install->insertDefaultData() in XenForo/Install/Controller/Install.php at line 211
  5. XenForo_Install_Controller_Install->actionStep2() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
  6. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  7. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/html/xenforo/upload/install/index.php at line 18

After I restarted the mysql server (service mysqld restart), I get these errors:

Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : Table 'xf_style' already exists

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 317
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in XenForo/Install/Model/Install.php at line 252
  4. XenForo_Install_Model_Install->createApplicationTables() in XenForo/Install/Controller/Install.php at line 208
  5. XenForo_Install_Controller_Install->actionStep2() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
  6. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  7. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/html/xenforo/upload/install/index.php at line 18
These errors really all represent corruption within MySQL, quite possibly from a disk being full. It's not easy to recover from -- your best bet may be dropping the bad database and making a new one. (Ensuring that you have resolved any other potential hardware issues.)
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