XF 2.3 PayPal Webhook Issues


Well-known member
I am seeing a ton of errors in the Payment Provider Log:
Error: Webhook received from PayPal could not be verified as being valid. Try toggling "Enable webhook verification" off and on again in the payment profile if the issue persists.

I have about 50 accounts that this affected, is there a way to have paypal resend the verification?

Similarly, is there a way to bubble this up on the overview of Admin CP, so we can remediate ASAP instead of this silently being a problem and the Admin CP showing everything is honky dory?

Edit: I've tried toggling "Enable webhook verification" on/off again via PayPal provider in Admin CP; I'm still seeing webhook issues for specific individuals; even if I click Resend from PayPal to try the webhook request again.

Edit 2: It looks like XenForo is triggering a 400 response, but I can't find any logs on why:
<redacted_ip> - - [30/Dec/2024:00:49:47 +0000] "POST /payment_callback.php?_xfProvider=paypalrest HTTP/1.1" 400 150 "-" "PayPal/AUHR-214.0-58712720"
<redacted_ip> - - [30/Dec/2024:00:50:07 +0000] "POST /payment_callback.php?_xfProvider=paypalrest HTTP/1.1" 400 150 "-" "PayPal/AUHD-214.0-58711782"

Edit 3: Submitted bug report: https://xenforo.com/community/threa...elding-400-bad-request-for-some-users.228058/
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