My second forum


Im just creating Nodes for my second forum, i have everything set (almost)

I plan on starting to send traffic to the website as early as this afternoon, because i have a viral post going on on my other website.

For permissions, should i leave everything in inherit default for now?

Here is the link

How does it look so far?
You should configure the permission depending on what actions you want the groups to be able to do in the forums.

Since you asked, I think it would be better if you used a custom style and changed the logo to reflect the genre of your forum.
Thanks, do you know who hired this guy to do his forum? thats the only one i like out of all the resources i have checked, other then the default
Thanks, do you know who hired this guy to do his forum? thats the only one i like out of all the resources i have checked, other then the default

No sir, I do not. If that style is not listed on the Styles section of the Resource Manager, then probably it was made as a custom style. Perhaps you can post a request here, or even contact the admin of that forum and ask him who made that syle?
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