XF 1.0 My member and i'm not able to change avatar.


Hi !

Some 2 days i do a migration of the website (and database) on new server.

After that i can't change my avatar :


I check the right and the folder data/internal_data i have full right (777) and all sub-folder.

Do you have some idea?

(is my first problem with senforo :p )
My French is a little rusty but it seems to be saying that the image type has been rejected by the server and to choose another image or contact the site owner.

This seems to be a server configuration issue, so you will need to ensure all the relevant configuration and modules are installed.

Which file type are you trying to upload?
Does it happen with all types: .png, .gif, .jpg?

Browse to admin.php?tools/phpinfo and check which image types are supported under GD or ImageMagick.

Also, double check the server meets the requirement:
XenForo System Requirements
  • PHP: 5.2.4+
  • MySQL: 5.0+
  • PHP extensions: MySQLi, GD (with JPEG support), PCRE, SPL, SimpleXML, DOM, JSON, iconv, ctype
  • PHP safe_mode off
Download the requirements test script.

How i can check all modules are installed? and the configuration is ok?

I check the configuration of my php server (post max size/upload limit).

I check the configuration of xenforo attachment. I don't find any log about this error in the cp
Ok it's a little png (180x180).

It happen with jpg too (i try with very small image)

I have

PHP Version 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.2
php safe mode off

PCRE -->enabled
spl --> enabled
simple xml --> enabled
dom --> enabled
json --> enabled
iconv --> enabled
ctype -->enabled

I don't find any information about GD or imageMagick in the admin.php?tools/phpinfo
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