Add-on Must I ask? Arcade

Would a reasonable time frame to get this done be ... 4 months ?
Maybe September 2011 ?
Seems like something of this magnitude .... would take that long ?
A xenforo arcade is a total rewrite of any vB one.
Hopefully someone will find themselves with some extra time, and in need of a couple of grand to get an arcade to a working beta stage. :)

There are quite a few donators on board for this, but it's a big project. Certainly a nice one for someone's future portfolio.

We can only hope...
2 months ago I said this plugin should be $5-10/year.
People almost had a heart attack with this suggestion.
Now it seems people are willing to drop alot more than that.
It seems the broken process of producing and maintaining plugins continues. Sad.
Absolutly annoying, that noone is interested in. Even no response, no info no nothing... Looks like noone is interested in... :cry:
If there were any Coder, v3arcade would be converted already ;)
They have the same issues
That's odd. They were going to do one for XF at one time, then just kind of dropped out of sight.
You'd think they could come up with a more original name since there's already a vBArcade.
Not sure why they're trying to get into the vB arcade market, it's already pretty well served.
Well i have read the Block over there... and ... well this senior did, for my understanding, pointed it quit well.
I also had a smile on my face after i read ...loyalty...
Anyway, we can´t do anything as long as we don´t learn coding ;)
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