Multiple Bread Crumb Removal (Including Help page)?:


Active member
Ok, I have made my Help page an Intel page. It has breadcrumbs and I would like to remove them but I only know how to remove 'one BC' and it has to be a node explained here: So I've already done this for my 'Shop' tab. Is it possible to do this (or similar) for 'more than just one BC page?

But it doesn't explain how to remove BC's for more than one node "nor" does it explain how to do this for the Help tab (renamed 'Intel' on my site). Can anyone show me how I would accomplish this?
Following up with the link you posted... the condition you need is this:

<xen:if is="{$controllerName} != 'XenForo_ControllerPublic_Help'">

That will hide the breadcrumbs on all help pages.
Following up with the link you posted... the condition you need is this:

<xen:if is="{$controllerName} != 'XenForo_ControllerPublic_Help'">

That will hide the breadcrumbs on all help pages.
Hi Jake. I tried putting that in with the link instructions but I 'first' keep getting a syntax error and then when I add the </xen:if>, it doesn't remove the breadcrumbs ;-( Could I trouble you to write for me the exact coding for removing both the node-40 and the part you are mentioning which will remove all the BC's in the Help area? Thanks in advance man.
Try this:

<xen:if is="{$quickNavSelected} != 'node-55' AND {$quickNavSelected} != 'node-42' AND {$controllerName} != 'XenForo_ControllerPublic_Help'">

Ok, Now I would like to remove the breadcrumbs from the follows front pages of the Media, Members (Users), Stats (Leaderboard) and Rosters (XenStaff) areas. These are not nodes so how can I include them in the code you've given me above? I tried using this code:

{$controllerName} != 'XenForo_ControllerPublic_Media'
, but the 'Media' doesn't work nor does lower-case version (media). Help please? Thanks.
Use this format so you can more easily expand the condition:

<xen:if is="!in_array({$quickNavSelected}, array('node-55', 'node-42')) AND !in_array({$controllerName}, array('XenForo_ControllerPublic_Help'))">


Now you can add more controllers, like this:

Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="!in_array({$quickNavSelected}, array('node-55', 'node-42')) AND !in_array({$controllerName}, array('XenForo_ControllerPublic_Help', 'XenForo_ControllerPublic_Media'))">

I see but that's not the problem. Problem is, I don't know how to define each page that I want to have the breadcrumbs removed. (ex: In the code XeForo_ControllerPubic_Media, 'Media' is not the correct name for the Media page, and etc.) . Looking at how to define each of these pages for breadcrumb removal:

1) XenMedia (first page only)
2) Members (first page only)
3) Roster (XenStaff, first page)
4) Stats (Leaderboard for XBL stats, first page)
For example:

<xen:if is="!in_array({$quickNavSelected}, array('node-55', 'node-42')) AND !in_array({$controllerName}, array('XenForo_ControllerPublic_Help', 'XenForo_ControllerPublic_Media'))">


Now you will see the controller name output on the page above the breadcrumbs.
Wow man. You don't know how many times I've searched before I posted! That page 'never' came up! Thanks for having pioneered something which I think is a very righteous post. Why would a breadcrumb be needed in any other part of a XenForo CMS? It's useless other than just for the forum area, and I've even temporarily removed it from mine just so that people don't worry about getting lost. It's simpler to just click the 'Forum' tab to go back to the main part of the forum...much like the iPhone does with it's Home key! ;-)
I have a related problem.


I've used a page node for my landing page and I want to remove the breadcrumb from the top and bottom. As you can see the alignment of my navbar is off. I think removing the breadcrumb will fix that (and don't want it there anyway).

I managed to remove "forums" (using Borgan's instructions) but I still have "home."

I'm sorry if this has already been explained. I'm probably just not getting it.

Can you explain it as it relates specifically to my problem?
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