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Multiple Account Detection

Tested this on a fresh install of 1.1 beta 3 and this works as per instructions. (y)
Now testing this on the same test installation after upgrade to 1.1 beta 5. However, it seems it is no longer detecting since I don't get the alert conversation.

Could someone else be kind enough to test and re-confirm? :)
I detected a member creating another account. The addon is active but I guess it stopped working after upgading to 1.1.
Remember the add-on won't necessarily catch every user

I see, it happened on a recently registered user whose user permissions were limited. The same user created another account and wasn't caught. Those who reported it working, does the system still catch multiple accounts?
Those who reported it working, does the system still catch multiple accounts?
yes, just tried myself and it detected all 3 testaccounts. As it's based on a cookie, it won't work if the user clean them or just use another computer or even browser.
I see, it happened on a recently registered user whose user permissions were limited. The same user created another account and wasn't caught. Those who reported it working, does the system still catch multiple accounts?

As high1976 explained, if they're clearing the cookie or using a different computer it won't catch them (and neither did the old VB version).
I just installed this add-on, but I am unclear how it works. Bottom line: Below are my settings. How do I know if it is working? Does a post magically appear in the forum I designated (moderators' forum, which is hidden from non-moderators, and subscribed to only by moderators) when a multiple account is detected? Will the add-on be able to post to the forum I designated even though it is a "private forum?"

This add-on looks great!

Ignored User Groups 3

  • Check if user was banned
  • Create new thread on detection
  • Require manual approval of detected accounts
Private Conversation participants 1
Forum for reports 9 (moderator forum)

This modification sets a special cookie which is not cleared on logout and tracks which accounts are used on the same computer and browser. The idea is mostly similar to the Multiple account login detector (AE Detector) vBulletin modification.
This modification currently does not utilize any kind of IP checks neither it prevents users from registering, but it's possible that these features will be implemented in future.

  • Notify selected users using Private Conversations system about detected accounts.
  • Notify staff by creating a thread in the selected forum.
  • Automatically ban an account if any of the accounts used on the same computer are banned.
  • Require manual approval for multiple accounts.
  • Select ignored users and user groups (primary or secondary).
  • Select cookie name.
  1. Upload MultipleAccountDetection folder to your XenForo's library folder.
  2. Import XML file as an Add-On (Admin Control Panel -> Install Add-On).
  3. Configure the detection in Multiple Account Detection options group in Admin Control Panel.
  1. Upload MultipleAccountDetection folder to your XenForo's library folder (make sure you overwrite the old files).
  2. Admin Control Panel -> Manage Add-Ons -> Multiple Account Detection -> Select "Upgrade" and import an XML file.
Change log:
v1.0.0 — 13 October 2010:
  • Initial release
v1.0.1 — 16 October 2010
  • Added an option that allows you to require manual approval of multiple accounts
  • Small fixes
Please feel free to post here your questions and suggestions.
I just installed this add-on, but I am unclear how it works. Bottom line: Below are my settings. How do I know if it is working? Does a post magically appear in the forum I designated (moderators' forum, which is hidden from non-moderators, and subscribed to only by moderators) when a multiple account is detected? Will the add-on be able to post to the forum I designated even though it is a "private forum?"

This add-on looks great!

Ignored User Groups 3

  • Check if user was banned
  • Create new thread on detection
  • Require manual approval of detected accounts
Private Conversation participants 1
Forum for reports 9 (moderator forum)

Oh, one more thing - what should the permissions be set at on the server?
You will know when someone logs in from two accounts on the one computer...

I have it set to create a thread in my staff forum when multiple accounts are detected, without the addon taking any action. This way all action is manual.
Yer, I ran into major issues with exactly that scenario as well. Had couples suddenly banned, or unapproved, etc... mistake on my behalf at the time not knowing the full ramifications.
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