XF 1.2 Multilanguage - multiple Domains


Active member

I would like to have a multilanguage Forum. Atm I have two domains. mineyourmind.de for the German community and mineyourmind.net for the English community.

Is there a way to have multiple xenforo installations with synced users ?

Or maybe a Domain feature which allows to view two different Node Trees and set the Forum language for each one ?
Its the same adress and content just in another language.

Could you name some of these addons ? SubDomains by Wandigo doesnt work atm. This would/could be a solution.
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If you attempt to hide the content from one domain to another, it will require separate licenses. If we go strictly by the license agreement, you need one for each domain since it states your installation may be accessible via a single URL. I do not know the name of these add-ons at the moment.
So, even for the SubDomains by Wandigo addon you would need multiple licences ?

What could be some keywords to search for ?

The only addon I find ist subdomains by wandigo....
I tried to find something via. google and the internal search
The owners have been lax with that in the past, but if you have any specific questions on how your installation would have to be licensed, you should use the contact us and detail what you'd like to do. Ashley can answer everything you'd need to do.
mhh, I could also imagine to use one main url and the other domains redrict to a sub category. But for this I would need to set different languagues for the categories, is that possible ? (I only see this for themes/styles) I would also need to change the home and logo link for each category. Would this be possible?

Or could I change the language selection to the browsers language ?
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You can easily change the style per node (its a node setting). If you want to switch the language, you can redirect to the language selection URL (I don't have it on hand).
mhh, I dont need to switch the style only the language. I´snt there a way to use the browsers language as default ?

If I redrict to the language selector I would loose a lot of visits at this point
The proper language selector URL will set the language and redirect back to a specified URL. If you want to change the logo and home link, the easiest method would be to just force a style on a node where those changes are made in the templates and style properties.
I tried to use this link, but sometimes I get this error, so it doesnt work:

Ein Sicherheitsfehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte benutze den "Zurück"-Button in deinem Browser, aktualisiere die Seite und versuche es erneut.
A security error has occurred. Please use the "Back" button in your browser, refresh the page and try again.

Is there anyway to use the browser language as forum language ?
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