Fixed Multi-quote doesn't work

Only having this happen for posts here on this community. Inserting multi quotes on Firefox Developer Edition 130.0b2 in messages works fine.
This can occur on any browser, but I believe it's specific to the stored state of the selected quotes. I haven't been able to achieve this so far, so it would be helpful to share the contents of the xf_multiQuoteThread local storage item. You can do this by opening the browser developer tools, going to the "Storage" tab (or "Application" tab on Chrome), finding the item in the list, and copying the value.

This can occur on any browser, but I believe it's specific to the stored state of the selected quotes. I haven't been able to achieve this so far, so it would be helpful to share the contents of the xf_multiQuoteThread local storage item. You can do this by opening the browser developer tools, going to the "Storage" tab (or "Application" tab on Chrome), finding the item in the list, and copying the value.

Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.3.3).

Change log:
Fix issues serializing nestable elements which contain unrelated lists
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
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