Multi-Language forums...?


This is what I need - is this possible with XenForo?
--> If you arrive here as a guest, if your browser says de-de you get to see German forums (with German language pack), everybody else sees the English ones (with English language pack)

Also, in the top navigation should be links to visit the English forum / switch from one language forum to the other one.

The forums should be like:

To summarize:
Same domain, same userbase/logins.
What would be also great, that the user would only search in the language-space he is currently in.

  • What are the current "best practices" for international forums (regarding XenForo-setup)?
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Yep, XF is not really multi-lingual friendly (hopefully that will change in the 2.0 line). The only somewhat similar ability I am familiar with is Burning Board - so if that's a requirement and you don't want to invest in bespoke add-on that may be an option.
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