Third party More linked words won't get unlinked with Remove formatting button


Well-known member
Affected version

XF editor behaviour:
Clicking on Remove formatting button once removes formats like Bold, Colors, Size etc. Clicking on it again should make all the linked words, texts become plain text. But links goes away only if we selected small area of text. If we select large text area it won't get erased on XF.

But, the behaviour is different on Froala demo editor, works much better and if we paste large number of linked text, it does remove all linked text at once.

The problem is, if we paste a many text like articles with lots of links and select whole text, click on Remove formatting then it doesn't unlink all linked text at once but if we select small part of linked text then it does remove linked texts on second click.
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Remove format button removes all the links at once but it shouldn't remove any links at all. Why the links considered as format? It's part of the content and this wasn't happening XF 2.0 and before.
Just to be clear, correct me if I'm wrong. Removing format button, regardless of selection, should not remove any link in the content. It should only remove the color, boldness, font size etc.
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