Jake, I really need help with this. I have user awaiting approval and I can't approve them because I get this silly error message. I've reviewed the code and can't figure out where I went wrong. Does it have to do with the code (below) or could it be because of the php form change?
hrase users_awaiting_approval}</xen:title>
<xen:form action="{xen:adminlink 'users/moderated/update'}">
<xen:foreach loop="$users" value="$user">
<xen:controlunit label="{xen
hrase user}:"><a href="{xen:adminlink users/edit, $user}" target="_blank">{$user.username}</a> ({$user.email})({$user.customFields.who_referred_you})
<xen:radiounit label="{xen
hrase action}:" name="users[{$user.user_id}][action]">
ption value="none">{xen
hrase do_nothing}</xen
ption value="approve">{xen
hrase approve}</xen
ption value="reject" selected="true">
hrase reject_and_delete_with_rejection_reason}:</xen:label>
<xen:textbox placeholder="{xen
hrase optional}" name="users[{$user.user_id}][reject_reason]" size="45" />
<xen:checkboxunit label="">
ption name="users[{$user.user_id}][notify]">{xen
hrase notify_user_if_action_was_taken}</xen
<xen:submitunit save="{xen
hrase process_users}" />