Active member
Monkey Productions is a General Discussion Forums powered by xenForo Forum Software aimed at providing all users of the world wide web a place to feel comfortable and welcome to post about anything and everything that they wish to without fear of being ridiculed or silenced for sharing their opinion.
From discussing the latest in News and A Current Affairs, to Relationship Discussions and Advice, to discussions such as entertainment, food and beverage, sport, politics, technology or even if you just need somewhere to rant and rave and get something off your chest.
In addition to our discussion boards our community members have the ability to buy, swap or sell products and/or services, become arcade champion in our arcade or even purchase cheap, affordable branding free XenForo Themes.
Monkey Productions is also in the process of setting up our slice of the internet with the ability for writers, or artists to create and share their work amongst fellow community members with a view of having both Monkey Productions prepared, and community prepared books and novels that will be available in our products section once they are completed.
So why not come and check us out today, don't forget to take part in our grand opening competition for your chance to win some fantastic prizes.
You'll go Banana's over our website.
----==== Special Thanks ====----
Special Thanks must be given to Shelley from for her willingness to assist, help and provide so many css code changes. And for giving me permission to "steal" some of her code from her website in order to put on my site.
I'd also like to give a special thanks to - Jake Bunce, Brogan and everyone else who has supplied Free Template Modifications in the resource section here.
Special Thanks also to everyone who has asked questions in the styling section of this site. Reading through there has allowed me to look at certain things and see who has responded and with what options which has allowed me to change further things amongst our website.
So without further delay what are you waiting for check out Monkey Productions and don't forget to come back and let us know what you think of our site, and report any errors to us so we are able to fix it.
Thank you to all in advance who visit our website.