Fixed Moderator actions still shows in tools


Well-known member

If I have a moderator group with these forum permissions...

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 18.44.57.webp

...they can not view the "moderator actions", but the link still displays in the tools drop down...

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 18.42.25.webp

...and clicking it just triggers this error message...

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 18.47.08.webp why does it still display? Is it for some reason that I am overlooking?

Thank you
I am probably wrong, but where you add them as a moderator, is the permission ticked there too if it makes any difference?
I was just on about the area you add a Moderator, you can tick permissions there and also on the usergroup permissions, whether either of them made a difference if one is checked and the other is not set to allow but if Jeremy was replying to me then I guess not.
Oh OK, I haven't added them as a moderator anywhere, they are a super mod, but I was going to break down the "Manage (move, merge, etc.) thread by anyone:" permissions because I don't like them all being clumped together. Some mods I want to be able to move threads, but others not, same goes for editing threads by anyone, merging threads, etc. Anyway, as I was about to start breaking these down, I noticed that "Moderator Actions" remains in the tools, even though they can't use it, but they still have all the other moderator permissions apart from "Manage (move, merge, etc.) thread by anyone:".
I was replying that there isn't a moderator permission to show that link. It depends on $canViewModeratorLogs, but I would need to look up the code for that, of which, I cannot do on my phone.
There's an inconsistency in the permission check here. The link is based on the result of
canViewThreadModeratorLog() which checks for one of a bunch of permissions. The actual action only checks (roughly) one of those.
There's an inconsistency in the permission check here. The link is based on the result of
canViewThreadModeratorLog() which checks for one of a bunch of permissions. The actual action only checks (roughly) one of those.

Sorry I didn't catch you.

Actually what permission controls the ability for moderators to see the Moderator Actions link?
I think what he is saying is that it checks a bunch of permissions and that there isn't actually any "one" permission that allows the link to viewable, but the actual action of viewing the moderators actions themselves, only checks one permission and this is what is causing the inconsistency.
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