Not a bug moderated thread post number changes


Affected version
When running a moderated thread normally it each post is numbered #1 and this gets changed to #1,#2,#3 etc when the posts are approved

We have a moderated thread at the moment with approx 100 or so #1 posts then the same thread changes and starts #2 posts for the next 100 or so, (doesnt seem to be a set number), but this throws out the sorting by date as the most recent ones maybe added under #1 in the middle of the thread for some reason,

Is there a reason why moderated thread posts change from #1 to #2 ? or why this occurs and how to change it or this a bug?
Unfortunately we can no longer provide support for XenForo 1.5 and there will be no further bug fix releases for it.

Furthermore, you do not appear to be licensed so we cannot provide support. If you are licensed, please add your forum username to your license and post in the correct forum but, as I mentioned, it is no longer supported so our recommendation is to update to XenForo 2.1 as soon as possible.
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