XF 1.3 Moderated posts after permissions changes

Floyd R Turbo

Well-known member
I had my permissions structure all wackadoo when I set up my site. I have now re-vamped all the user groups and such so that I take advantage of the cumulative structure. All permissions work as intended.

All users are placed into Registered initially
Users are added automatically to Verified after 5 posts via User Group Promotions.

The problem seems now that some existing users, with dozens/hundreds of posts, are getting their posts moderated, even ones that I have in such groups as Verified (which is a User Group Promotion that kicks in at 5 posts). Have let the site run for 24 hrs and I rebuilt all caches after the permissions changes, so now everyone who should be in the Verified group is in there.

I have a feeling that this has something to do with either the whole "Follow message moderation rules" permissions setting, or the Askimet key (I have it now set to 4), or something else. But why would existing users get moderated all of the sudden? I'm waiting to see how many posts it takes, after changing the Askimet setting from 5 to 4.

But on the FMMR permissions setting, I've read thread after thread about this so I think I understand it but this one posts lost me:


Usergroup permissions should have Follow message moderation rules set to Allow.

Node forum options should have Moderate all messages posted in this forum unticked.

For some reason, I cannot find the Node forum option he mentions above, where is that? Did that change in 1.3 from 1.2?

I currently have this set to no (not set) across the board for all usergroups, except for "allow" in the unregistered/unconfirmed group, which can't post anyways so I don't know why I bother to have it set to allow there.
Gawd. Stupid me. I was looking for a permissions set. It's a checkbox. Never mind.

For the record though I now get it.

The Moderate all messages posted in this forum check box and the Follow message moderation rules permissions setting are sort of counter-intuitive. I know that this has been mentioned in other threads but it has still been confusing to me, and since I used to be a technical writer, here is my way of explaining this so that it can only be interpreted one way.


These 2 options work together to achieve the desired effect, and there is no way around that - you have to consider BOTH options when changing one of them.

The Moderate all messages posted in this forum node setting establishes the 'rule' - Moderate, or Not to Moderate.
The Follow message moderation rules permissions setting determines if the 'rule' will be followed or not.

The key word in the above statement is "not". This is what is counter-intuitive. Generally, not following a rule would mean that if a rule is there, you don't follow it, and if a rule is not there, well you wouldn't follow a non-existent rule, would you? This is the trip-up. In this case, "not" reverses the rule setting, which is to Moderate, or Not to Moderate.

This means that the Follow message moderation rules permissions setting will reverse the Moderate all messages posted in this forum node setting, if set to No (not set).

So if the Node forum options has Moderate all messages posted in this forum unchecked, then the 'rule' becomes messages are not moderated. If you then leave Follow message moderation rules to No (not set), this reverses the rule, so now all messages are moderated. If you set it to Allow, then the rule is followed, which in this case means that the messages are not moderated, because that is the Node forum rule.

If the Node forum options has Moderate all messages posted in this forum checked, then the rule becomes messages are moderated. If you then leave Follow message moderation rules to No (not set), this reverses the rule, so now all messages are not moderated. If you set it to Allow, then the rule is followed, which in this case means that the messages are moderated, because that is the Node forum rule.

I think the word "rule" in this case is where most people miss the connection. In the permissions setting is mentions the rule, but where do you define the rule? In the Node settings! But it isn't clear that this checkbox establishes the rule, and the permissions setting negates the rule setting. It's as simple as that.


Maybe I can get my explanation above bumped up to a Tips & Guides ;)
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