mod_pagespeed for the win?


Well-known member
I know Google has their mod_pagespeed packages that you can install. My server has litespeed and cache on it. Would installing mod_pagespeed make any difference or is it duplication?

I have a CDN too if that alters the answers.
I don't focus on PageSpeed score at all, instead preferring to optimize these numbers:

Screenshot from 2020-02-19 14-14-02.webp

Yours are good.
Google's Pagespeed yields mis-leading results on my site. It would be more accurate if I weren't running Litespeed.

I used to run pagespeed on my server, before making the switch to Litespeed, and did like the results but found myself chasing too many issues. Litespeed offers pagespeed as an option, but believe that LSCache offers similar performance benefits with no headaches.
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