mod installation help


Well-known member
Hello ,
I don't know why but I'm having trouble installing my mods. I haven't installed one correctly yet. I'm using FZ for file transfer but I guess I'm not putting things in the correct places.

I'm having a hard time understand file structures of XF mods. They all seem to be a little different in some way.

Under styles some have a "dark" file, some don't.
Do I install the mods library inside the main library so that it reads/library/moodlibrary/.....
Some come with an index.php in the JS file, some don't.

Can someone post a screenshot of their file system so I can take a look at things? That would be real helpful.

The moods I'm trying to install are.

Enhanced "like" system (Paid)
Template Modification
and a few others.

Thank you again,

Yes XML install went fine. No images are showing up either in the ACP or forum. I've manually edited all templates properly. I've uninstalled and re-installed this mod a dozen times using all the help in this thread and still the same thing. No images anywhere. I can see the "mood" in my option, I can change the options, but again, no mood icons are showing even if I manually add them and of course they aren't showing in the forum.

I have also previously install the TMS mod as instructed thinking this would help with the first install. It didn't. So thinking there was some conflict there, I deleted the TMS, now working without it and like I said above, did all the manual template changes-still nothing.

Can someone send me a Rum and Coke asap! :eek:

I feel like a total fool. :cry:

It looks like the first step of installation went through ok. Now you are at the configuration. Personally I do not use that mod but are you using a custom theme? Maybe it will require extra edits to work with custom themes.
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