Mobile Share: Share video, image, file, link, location to XenForo


Well-known member
Mobile devices have a share function to share video, images, files, links, location straight from the phone to a post.
With 2-3 clicks a user shares their content to the site.

This is why social media like Facebook get so many user video's and forums hardly get any. People no longer upload content. Many people dont even know how to. They are used to share files and content.

Please add functionality to make use of mobile share and allow mobile users to easily add their video/image/file/link/location to xenforo posts.

I believe this very function is the most important function that mobile devices offer forums. More important than PUSH notifications.
Upvote 19
While I agree this would be a good addition for mobile users in the long run, the spec is only a draft and it's only supported by Chrome on Android so far.
That will likely be widely adopted and available via the PWA one day. The web APIs already exist if you’re using Android.

After push notifications it is difficult to say, but the hope is that Apple supports it one day.
@Chris D I'm not that I understand you correctly. Are you saying that its currently not possible to implement Web Share target for Android in PWA?
It is if you’re using Chrome on Android specifically.

Essentially the state hasn’t changed since Jeremy’s post 5 years ago:

While I agree this would be a good addition for mobile users in the long run, the spec is only a draft and it's only supported by Chrome on Android so far.

While browser support isn’t necessarily a blocker, the fact that it’s a draft is.

We’re not going to implement something that may change or get removed.
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