XF 2.1 Mobile Nav bar for tablets


Active member
I'm looking to change the navigation bar for tablets at the moment it looks something like this:


But i'm not really a big fan of > and wish to change it to make it look like it is on mobile:

Is there away to do this? Any help would be much appreciated..
Actually it might be easier to change, Appearance--> Styles--> Your style--> Style properties--> Page setup change Medium responsive break point to 900
Appearance--> Styles--> Your style--> Style properties
Header and navigation. Change Navigation collapse width to @xf-responsiveWide might do the trick.
Your amazing that did the trick!
Actually it might be easier to change, Appearance--> Styles--> Your style--> Style properties--> Page setup change Medium responsive break point to 900
I will have a play around with it see how it is nav bar needs a lot of work but as temporary solution it will do lazy me 😂
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