[MMO] Verified Badge

[MMO] Verified Badge 2.3.0

No permission to download
Edit: I found the problem, Pro icons are not available for my website.
How are you unavailable? Are available to you. Now the forum works a little differently and, accordingly, this icon was not in the sprite, I did not rebuild the sprite after the update/installation, because I saw this icon in the sprite, but it turned out to be XF, I pulled it myself from my other add-on, in which it was used in templates In order for it to appear, you simply save the setting with the icon and it will immediately be added to the sprite. For the sake of 1 icon, I didn’t bother, I just displayed it immediately inline. This is not a critical error, just resave the icon and that’s it, in a future version I’ll just add rebuilding the icons after installation/update.
@kick me again, with some problems as always 😊

When I add verified badge to this account, it's not working. If the user has unallowed character in his/her username, verified badge is not showing. For examle:


Why do I need to provide someone who is not part of the Xenforo team with data about the license I purchased to download this addon?
Why is it necessary to provide such specific data? The license number should only be useful to official staff, no?

I don't feel safe registering just to use this addon.

Many developers require this information because they do not wish to sell to nulled or illegal sites. It's perfectly safe to give the dev. your token. That is what it is for.
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