/^Mike$/i meme*

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If Mike orders a beef burger and it contains horse, the horse particles seperate from the burger and gallop away
Well, that made me rather hoarse...

Mike wrote the whole internet during his lunch break once.
I did often joke to Ashley that I'd get onto something after I sorted cold fusion, so I should be able to look into it in a few hours... ;)

When Mike clicks the "Like" button, it shatters.
Tested, unable to reproduce. :)
Whiteboards are white because Mike scared them that way.

Mike's keyboard doesn't have a Ctrl key, because nothing controls Mike Sullivan.

Mike doesn't need a debugger, he just stares down the bug until the code confesses.
ergonomic keyboard for pirates:


ergonomic keyboard for mike:

The universe fears Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris fears Mike.

Before Starship Troopers there was Starship Trooper, it starred Mike. It was the shortest movie ever made.

When Mr. T has a cockroach problem he calls Mr. S.

Spiders give thanks every day that they have 8 legs.

Mike catches flu bugs... between chopsticks.
When parent bugs want their little kids to behave, they tell them that Mike is hiding under their beds and that he will come for bad bugs. Mike is also known as the Bugginator or the Buggyman.
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