XF 2.0 Method to Replace cURL


Well-known member
Ok I have this so far, I'm not sure if I need more but before I test, I wanted to make sure I have what I need.

        $requestLink = $region.'wow/realm/status?locale='. $locale .'&apikey=' . $options->xenwow_api_key;

            $results = $this->app->http()->client()->get($requestLink);
        catch(\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e)
            \XF::logException($e, false, "Error gathering data from $requestLink: ");

All variables in $requestLink are defined above it and properly set.
That should do it, and to retrieve the results (assuming you're still using Guzzle v5.3 as supplied with XF2), you would use $results->getBody() or if it's a json response, you can automatically decode using $results->json().
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