XF 1.4 Message User Info & Custom Fields - Align left and bold?


Well-known member

How would I go about getting rid of the space between Messages and Likes received? Would be nice if the figures were a bit closer.

Im also trying to style my custom fields, but not having much joy.
When I make the title bold - <b>Airport City Device</b> - It also displays like this on the User preferences screen with the HTML.
Im also after a way to make the results closer to the left and if possible put each result in a box.

Hopefully someone might be able to point me in the right direction!
How would I go about getting rid of the space between Messages and Likes received? Would be nice if the figures were a bit closer.
Try adding something like the following to the Messages container, the following would bring the Likes Received up by 3px.
style="margin-bottom: -3px;"

It also displays like this on the User preferences screen with the HTML.
In the template where you add the title to the forum badge info, wrap it with <b> </b>, and in the template name in XenForo ACP, remove the bold tags.

put each result in a box.
Not really sure what you mean by this.
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