XF 2.1 Maximum mention alerts?


Active member
What exactly controls this setting?


My users tell me that not all @TaggedUsers are mentioned. For example, if a user taggs 10 other users in a post, maybe 3-4 of those 10 people will receive a notification. But all users have activated all notifications.

Okay, what setting is that exactly? I don't know where I would have activated it myself… :unsure:

And to the first question, what does the above setting mean?
It's not clear what the question is.

What exactly controls this setting?
It's a user group setting which determines how many people can be tagged by the person making the post.
In your case it is set to 10 - so a maximum of 10 people will be alerted, regardless how many names are tagged.

As above though, only those who have opted to receive alerts will see the mention alert: https://xenforo.com/community/account/preferences
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