It depends.
Your add-ons will drain your resources in many different ways. For example, some add-ons would heavily use disk space, for example because they store images (albums) or even videos. In that case, your limit will be the size of your hard disk (100Gb? 250Gb?).
Other add-ons will primarily do PHP processing, in that case, the CPU will be your binding limit. Depending on your server configuration you may be in a single core, dual core, quad core, on different speed configurations and internal capacity of the processor. In there, the limiting factor will be your CPU.
Other add-ons are in the realm of "does my PHP internal limit for memory is enough" or in the limit is "does it introduce IO wait", "do I have enough threads".
And, of course, add-on that is not used, is, maybe, an add-on that does not consume resources. Let's say you have an add-on for the memberlist. But maybe you have 1000 hits to that in a single day. But then you have an add-on for your home page, and home page is hit 50,000 times. Of course the add-on that is being hit will demand additional server power, and the other one does not.
Having the add-on installed by itself most likely does not consume resources. It needs to be hit and executed. There are some exceptions though (the nature of Listeners loads the class, without opcache it is a IO hit to the disk, and the listeners are executed always, though they are most likely in the rang of nanoseconds)
Which makes measuring performance a one-off task, there is no magic rule, though there are some talking points. Lots of queries, complexity in the code, redundancy, extending every single DataWriter on the system ... at the end of the day the option you have is installing it, and testing it.