XF 2.2 Max nodes

xf_node.node_id is a auto increment signed int and that is the maximum value a int can store.

So unless you want to modify the schema this would be the maximum number of nodes.
xf_node.node_id should be an unsigned int which should have a max value of 4294967295.

However, if you are using 32bit php (which XenForo generates a warning about in the enviroment report) then the max integer value that php can handle is 2147483647 without something going wrong.
XF switched to implicitly unsigned in XF2 but was somewhat inconsistent in XF1.x.

That said, I had some fun with autoincrement running out of ID space after some out of control processes exhausted the IDs and caused some transactions to silently fail!

Though more realistically I probably wouldn't want to have more than 2K nodes.
Even a few hundred gets seriously painful due to the pain that is the standard <select> element and having all of them listed with no way to easily filter/search them.
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