
Math 3.1.0

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I would like report a bug :

I put these in the text editor


And the result is showing this


Disabled the addon. No issue.
Dollar signs are common LaTeX delimiters. It's probably something in the underlying MathJax renderer. You might have to escape them if you intend to double up on dollar signs regularly.
@CMTV It’s been a while you didn’t update this addon. Thanks a lot for this free addon but do you have any plan on fixing bugs?
CMTV updated Math with a new update entry:

Update 3.0 — KaTeX edition

Please, read the installation instructions!

From 3.0 the addon uses KaTeX math renderer instead of MathJax (because KaTeX is faster and causes less problems). If you want to stay with MathJax — do not update!


  • New math renderer — KaTeX
  • Reduced the size of addon (less files)
  • Works faster
  • Long equations are automatically break into few lines (yep, no more horizontal scrollbars)

Read the rest of this update entry...
What do you mean by [tex]?
In the previous versions, you can write latex fomular using that bbcode. Now it doesn't work anymore and only work with \( \) and \[ \].
I may not remember correctly since I used that years ago. Just checking.
I see. There are two options:

Go to CMTV_Math_js template and add your own math delimiter to an array of delimiters: {left: "[tex]", right: "[/tex]", display: true}


Add a custom BBCode through you ACP that automatically converts your [tex] bbcode to \[ \] notation.
It seems some of the math functions are interpretted by xenforo as smile such as this one
\( f(x)=(1-x)x+\int_0^x f(y)dy \)
f(y) will become f(y)
Can you please double check if the plain bbcode will work with latex code? I wrap the plain bbcode around the tex and it still renders the formula.
Yeah I forgot about XF smilies. I think the only solution here would be creating a custom bbcodes [math] (for display math) and [imath] (for inline) and disabling smilie rendering inside:


I will make a patch soon that adds these two bbcodes.
@Andy.N check CMTV_Math_js template. The delimiters object must have these two lines for bbcodes to work:

    {left: "[imath]", right: "[/imath]", display: false},
    {left: "[math]",  right: "[/math]", display: true}

Also, obviously, check that bbcodes are active.
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