Make Navigation Links Images?


Active member
Hey, I want to make the navigation tabs images or have some images.
Like, For example make "Buy Xenforo" an image, how can i do that on my forums?

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> EXTRA.css

Add this code:

Rich (BB code):
.navTabs .tabId a.navLink,
.navTabs .tabId a.SplitCtrl
	color: transparent !important;
	background-image: url('path/to/image.gif');

This CSS is a little sneaky but it works. You might have to play with the background position, dimensions, etc.
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Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> EXTRA.css

Add this code:

Rich (BB code):
.navTabs .tabId a.navLink,
.navTabs .tabId a.SplitCtrl
color: transparent !important;
background-image: url('path/to/image.gif');

This CSS is a little sneaky but it works. You might have to play with the background position, dimensions, etc.
How do you do this with xenporta portal?
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