XF 2.2 Adding footer navigation links


I'd like to add a couple links in the footer navigation bar. I have searched all over and can't seem to find the answer.
The PAGE_CONTAINER template contains the footer code.

You can add custom links there.
Sorry but I have no clue on that coding. I be a newbie.

For now, I'd like to add a link for NEW POSTS and one that will take people to the TOP.

Can you give me the code to use and exactly where to place it on that template.

I'd like those links to be placed to the right of HOME link.

If you can help me with that it would make my day.
So this is a question I just had for my site. I wanna add a few more links in my footer.
This is something I know how to do in the pages I have on my site outside of the xenforo platform.
When I look at the code inside of xenforo, I just do not know what to put.

<xf:if is="$xf.tosUrl">
                        <li><a href="{$xf.tosUrl}">{{ phrase('terms_and_rules') }}</a></li>

                    <xf:if is="$xf.privacyPolicyUrl">
                        <li><a href="{$xf.privacyPolicyUrl}">{{ phrase('privacy_policy') }}</a></li>

                    <xf:if is="$xf.helpPageCount">
                        <li><a href="{{ link('help') }}">{{ phrase('help') }}</a></li>

                    <xf:if is="$xf.homePageUrl">
                        <li><a href="{$xf.homePageUrl}">{{ phrase('home') }}</a></li>

<xf:if is="$xf.homePageUrl">
<li><a href="{$xf.homePageUrl}">{{ phrase('home') }}</a></li>

What to put when the link is not inside xenforo?

Example Link:

What to put if the link is inside xenforo?
Reason I asked that is because of the different ways the links are implemented.
One says this $xf.homePageUrl but the other says this $xf.helpPageCount
{$xf.homePageUrl} {{ link('help') }}

Is there a document page that gives us the right way to write the code?
What if i wanted to put my profile page link in the footer?
What if I wanted to link my socials in the footer?
Just trying to wrap my head around the xenforo language.

footer links.webp
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