XF 2.2 Make a thread only visible to registered users?

I also have the same question

I would like either a specific thread within a section to be unaccessible to unregistered users (but still visible) or even better would be a way to have hidden links within a post that are only visible/accessible to registered users. Is the latter possible with the current Xeno software or paid add-ons?

I'm trying not to create and entire new sub-forum just to lock this single thread away as this could kill visibility and engagement on a thread that has familiarity for users in the main forum section.
I also have the same question

I would like either a specific thread within a section to be unaccessible to unregistered users (but still visible) or even better would be a way to have hidden links within a post that are only visible/accessible to registered users. Is the latter possible with the current Xeno software or paid add-ons?

I'm trying not to create and entire new sub-forum just to lock this single thread away as this could kill visibility and engagement on a thread that has familiarity for users in the main forum section.
Did you find anything?

Occasionally on my forum we have a thread that gets a bit racy and I'd prefer guests not to be able to see it at all but I would also like the registered members not to know I've set the thread to "registered only".
This has worked for me:

[OzzModz] Hide Thread From Guests 2.0.0 3​

Hi, thanks for that, it's almost perfect and free as well, brilliant (y)

The only thing it's missing is that I didn't want my registered users to know that a thread is being hidden from guests and this add-on displays an icon on the forum list next to the hidden thread and a big notice at the top inside the thread.

To hide them both I've used this code in the extra.less file for now but if anyone has a better way of doing this please let me know.

.structItem-status--guestsHidden::before {

display: none;

.blockMessage.blockMessage--important {
    display: none;
The only thing it's missing is that I didn't want my registered users to know that a thread is being hidden from guests and this add-on displays an icon on the forum list next to the hidden thread and a big notice at the top inside the thread.

I agree. I just edited the phrase to be blank. So, there's a little bar there, but no text in it. So, it's not likely to even be noticed... and if it is... probably interpreted as a display "glitch."

I deleted the text here:

So it looks like this to users on the thread:
There's just a little tan bar with nothing in it.

I agree. I just edited the phrase to be blank. So, there's a little bar there, but no text in it. So, it's not likely to even be noticed... and if it is... probably interpreted as a display "glitch."

I deleted the text here:
View attachment 273100

So it looks like this to users on the thread:
There's just a little tan bar with nothing in it.

View attachment 273102
Thanks for that, my solution isn't ideal but I'll probably just leave mine as it is, don't fancy having the bar at the top.

@Ozzy47 this is your add-on isn't it? Is there a way to do this cleanly?
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