Mail delivery failed : returning message to sender


Active member
HI all,

Ive recieved emails back advising mail i have sent has exceeded the max emails per hour.

My issue is, I dont send any emails, Other than the Account confirmation email on signup.

Heres an example of what i am getting. I have edited out my email with ****

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

Domain bmnvh. com has exceeded the max emails per hour (250/200 (125%)) allowed. Message discarded.

------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------

Return-path: <*****@****.com>
Received: from monsta by with local (Exim 4.80)
(envelope-from <*****@****.com>)
id 1UdPTU-0002j6-Vl
for *****@****.com; Fri, 17 May 2013 11:33:52 -0700
To: *****@****.com
Subject: Earn $1000 a day every day using your cell phone
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
From: *****@****.com <*****@****.com>
X-Sender: <matt@bmnvh. com>
X-Mailer: Open-Realty 2.5.8 - Installed at http://bmnvh. com
Message-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 11:33:52 -0700

Not sure where to look to troubleshoot this, and it may not even be a xenforo issue, but any advise would be appreciated, thanks.
Without knowing your actual domain, it's going to be rather difficult to troubleshoot this. The quoted message is spam, but we don't know if it's being sent from your domain or if it's bounced spam.

If it's bounced spam, you need to speak with your hosting company to get the mail server fixed properly to reject that type of email rather than accepting it.
Well, this adds to my confusion, Im not getting any reports from users that they are receiving conversations with spam content.

I have xenutiles, and thats helped identify spam url links in profiles, and is blocking spam accounts registering, but other than that, I dont know where to look.

On one day, i recieved over 200 returned messages with similar content to what was in the first post.
A favorite tactic of spammers is to forge the headers which causes the message to be rejected at the recipient, and it rejects back to the intended target rather than the sender. This is called bounced spam. Again, you need to speak with your host to tweak the mail server to reject that type of email rather than accepting it.

This has nothing to do with XenForo. It has everything to do with a mail server that isn't set up properly.
Thanks Biker, I have contacted my hosting company, and am awaiting a response.

As said in my initial post, i was unsure if a xenforo issue or not, and assumed the latter.
I just needed a little direction

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